Association des Mycologues Francophones de Belgique asbl

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Commentaires - comments.

Dear Marcel,

Thank you so much - the book arrived already on Saturday, and I think it is just marvellous.
So comprehensive (from the very basic to the very detailed, on so many aspects of microscopy of fungi, including detailed instructions on so many techniques), great microscopic photographs, marvellous schematics, and I just love the "gadgets" (even if I don't know if I will ever build a centrifuge - to know how I could do that with things that I have at home is so cool 😃).
So: thanks for writing this great book!
Best Regards,

Sabine Mengel (Allemagne)

Dear Marcel,

Your book arrived today! How wonderful, many congratulations on producing such a useful book. I shall certainly show it to my colleagues and put a review in our journal.

Geoffrey KIBBY (Angleterre)

Bonjour Monsieur Lecomte,

Votre livre est vraiment très bon et unique. Cela faisait longtemps que je cherchais un tel guide pour la microscopie des champignons. Il m'a été recommandé par des collègues allemands. Il va nous aider à améliorer nos examens microscopiques. Et nous aider à guider les étudiants.

Merci beaucoup et meilleures salutations.

Dr. Ludwig Beenken
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Swiss Forest Protection

Dear Mr. Lecomte,

your book looks very comprehensive. It will take me a long time to work me through it. I hope, it will help me chosing the right microscope, because I want to buy a new one. Definetly, it must contain a photo-tube to take digital images. After reading the first part of your book, I will maybe ask you for advice if you do not mind?

Best regards
Roland Peifer

Lucas LARGE : British Mycological Society (BMS)

I just received my copy of 'microscopy and fungi' by Marcel Lecomte. My first impressions are that it is excellent. It seems to cover everything you might need to know on the subject from equipment and techniques to the different cell types and tissues. I think Summerfield books are the only place in the UK that stocks it at the moment.

Excellent book

Hello Mr. Lecomte,

I really enjoy reading your book as it contains so much interesting and useful informations.

Guido Schimm

Excellent book
Mikal Miksik

hat AMFB imprint is absolutely adorable as well. I was wondering what to spend my birthday money on and I think this has decided it!
Clare Blencowe

Just bought a copy off the back of this it looks excellent.
Jenni Vibert

I’ve been waiting for a book like this for the past 7 years!
Jasper Sharp

I have this book too. It's excellent.
Martine Vandeplanque

I have it as well. This would be my go-to book for any beginner or advanced microscopist.
Nicolas Schwab

that’s sorted for me as well. It looks great
Sean Cooch

It covers both basic and advanced techniques and gives advice about things like buying a microscope.

Graham Featherstone

Hello Marcel.

I recieved your book in good conditions and i'm very happy with it.

Best regards,
Ben Keizer

Hello Marcel,

I have now read through your book - I really enjoyed it. It contains so many valuable tips, Modus Operandi and suggestions that I will certainly refer to it often in the future. I will be happy to recommend your book to others. I would especially like to thank you for your suggestion to make definitive preparations. This has motivated me to look into it more intensively. I am currently trying out appropriate permanente media, lutings and techniques for definitive preparations. It is very exciting and I hope to find a good solution for myself.

Best regards,
Guido Schimm